Wednesday, August 27, 2008

End of August

For the past few weeks Hana and I have been building boardwalks and managing a privately owned woodlot. I have been using a small chainsaw and Hana has been using manual clippers to remove the smaller saplings. We are cutting birch, aspen (poplar), conifer, and other weedy trees and keeping transplanted Viburnum (high bush cranberry), Hawthorne, oaks, and other desirable plants that will attract wildlife. By clearing the area below the owner's house it will allow an improved view of wildlife - especially birds! Hana and I have a lot of fun working in the woods together!

As the summer winds down to school Hana was also asked to spiff up a garden before we stopped working. Here is their beautiful garden!

Thanks for visiting our gardening website! Please see our other blog to view exciting rabbit and llama news!!