For my last day in Italy, Nik, India, Joe, and I went to the Vinschgaue Valley where the De Rachewiltz family owns a ruin and cottage in Tschengels. We visited historic towns and ruins, ate baguettes and gelato, and then Petra and Miche joined us for pizza that evening. We all spent the night in the cottage and had a wonderful farewell and thank you breakfast the next morning. It was such a wonderful way to spend my last few days in Italy!
Here are Joe, Nik, and India! Thanks guys!
I love the geraniums!
A river and waterfall!
Tschengels ruin:

Petra, India, Nik, Miche, Joe:
India, Nik, Me, Miche (checking out the Polaroid camera!)
As we left for pizza...
There was an old photo album in the cottage with pictures of the old farmer that had owned this ruin and cottage before Sizzo bought it. Many pictures were of meals around this table. It reminded my so much of my Oma and Opa's (grandma and grandpa) photo albums. They bought a run down barn and house in New York state and have an album of the parties and fixin' up they did to it. Being in Italy with the De Rachelwiltz family I really felt like part of their family. They made me feel so welcome and being in the cottage, with so much history was an honor that I cannot describe. It can only be felt.

Nik made us all crepes, Tirol style with jelly and nutella. We also head real European bread, hard boiled eggs, and tea. It was wonderful to spend my last few hours in such good company. Thanks you so much everyone! I look forward to a visit back soon!