Hana and Erika would like to remind you that gardening is a seasonal occupation. They’ve stuck by you through the spring and summer – they won’t leave you hanging for the autumn months! Here are several things that fall is prime time for:
Planting Bulbs
New Beds (for 2010!)
Mulching & Cutting Back
New Design! (Consulting)
Applying Nutrients (compost!)
Cutting Trees and Moving Rocks
Email Erika and make an appointment!
Garden and Landscape Rates 2009
Erika first hour: $30
Erika after 1st hour: $20/hour
Erika & Hana 1st hour: $40
Erika & Hana after 1st: $30/hour

A Gardener’s Dilemma
Livestock at White Mountain Llamas
Hana and Erika own 4 llamas, Arethusa, May, Bella, and Winny. Our newest addition, Winny, is for sale. She is a yearling female, ready for a new home now! Erika and Hana will attend the Maine State’s Fair at Fryeburg on September 28 – 29. They will be entered in the annual llama show and perform in demonstrations for public awareness of llamas. Winny went last year and behaved very well! She is pictured in the lower right hand corner.
A Little More Bunny in Your Life
White Mountain Llamas currently has 7 Angora rabbits (French hybrids) for sale! It is a litter ready for new homes in August (black torts and black steels). There are also two 3-year old does, a white and gray for sale. Angora rabbits are an inexpensive way to get luxury fiber for spinning and felting. We have Angoras in a variety of extraordinary colors! If you’re interested give us a call! We will also have a booth at the Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival (www.vermontsheep.org/festival.html) in Tunbridge on October 3 & 4. Please visit us there for a great weekend of fiber arts!
Hana and Erika care for Angora rabbits and llamas that produce fiber all year round. The sisters process the fiber into beautiful hand-spun yarn, scarves, hats, and other specialty garments. Currently some of our yarn is being sold at the Yarn Garden in Littleton, New Hampshire. We do not dye our yarn so one of our major purchase goals for animals is color! You can purchase any of our naturally colored fiber products at anytime. Just call or email Erika for more information! Erika and Hana also provide fiber lessons. If you want to learn how to spin or felt with animal fiber we will provide materials and can do individual and group lessons!
Art Agent? What Next?!
Erika’s Uncle, Dan Cadreact is a woodsman. In work and leisure, he always has en eye out for for the best pieces of wood to carve with. He is an inspirational artist and intriguing to work with. He’s given Erika the honor of selling his art. Dan specializes in bowls made from everything from bird’s eye maple to birch burls. He has an eye for color and pattern and spends hours hand carving his bowls to meet the perfect form. Of all shapes and sizes, Dan has many. Erika will be putting pictures of different bowls on the blog at proposintea.blogspot.com for your viewing pleasure and bringing samples around in her car for further inspection. Please ask about Dan Cadreact's hand-carved bowls and sculpture! If you have friends and family that collect or are interested in hand-carved, local art from New Hampshire’s forests, let them know about this art. It is certainly an opportunity you do not want to miss!
Need to do holiday gift shopping?
Want yarn for your next knitting project?
Interested in purchasing a rabbit?
Excited about supporting local business?
Email Erika!
We want to thank you for supporting our business! We appreciate working for you and hope to continue providing you with quality service into the future!