Thursday, July 23, 2009

Franconia this week

One of my customers went on the WREN Garden Tour and saw something she liked: hastas planted around the trunks of trees. She asked me to create what she saw and this is what emerged:
I dug out a garden in the sod 3 feet in radius to the trunk and transplanted three types of hastas opposing each other in six places around the trunk. I then put mulch down that the customer had purchased.
The lovely thing about this garden is that it has a circular garden behind it in the lawn and a possible other circular garden around a tree just to the right of it. The landscaping ends up being just beautiful with all these matching circles. The second thing that I accomplished was an herb garden that outlined one side of the driveway. Its a beautiful spot, incorporating rocks into the plantings. Its a wonderful way to invite guests to your house, by having a beautiful garden that sends you to the house.

The customer purchased plants for me to put in. Various kinds of herbs like lavender, rosemary, chives and flowers such as creeping phlox. Again, I mulched it when through, the perfect touch.

This work took me 6 hours.