We finally got the cart together for Bella to pull around the driveway to their summer home. Hana prepares her for the harness by giving her a full body-brushing. Bella loves getting scratched - she sticks her tongue out and flips her head around and shakes it like a dog shakes his leg! Bell feels very pretty, all brushed out! Bella is not a normal llama - she's extremely friendly, even a little cuddly, and she'll eat almost anything! Here, Hana is giving her some pizza! Okay, time for the harness! Reigns... Traces.... These clip onto the cart to hold it back when Bella walks downhill. Here are the traces, they clip onto Bella's cart and allow her to pull it along behind her. And the reigns - steering! And we introduce Bella to the cart Bell picks up on training so quickly! She already knows how to pull Hana on skis and will move with words "gee" and "haw" and pressure on the reigns. Now, Hana walks her down the hill and... She rides back up!! Bella responds wonderfully to Hana's requests! Yahoo! Well, that was fun :)