Hana & Erika will maintain and design any way that fits your home! From fun to formal - we can do it all. Here is an example of a beautiful home in
Franconia that has a formal design.

Landscaping can make a huge difference in how you, your family, and company feel at your home and can accent buildings in ways that other means of design cannot. Seen below are a variety of perennials and bushes combined with stonework that accent this lovely house. The perennials were chosen for bloom times throughout the year. Right now the
Hostas are blooming!

This creeping
Sedum looks almost better when its done blooming with its interesting blood-red stems left over from the
spring's flowers.

This bed was losing soil over the edge of the rocks every time it rained. This clever client decided to plant strawberries - which spread and hold onto the soil - and they also bear pretty white flowers and, of course berries! Hens and chicks are thrown into the edges by the rocks (where they like to grow) to hang onto the soil over there and it all works!

This garden is also close to the house so there are oregano and chives in this garden as well. The chives have been cut back and will grow in with new, tender shoots that will be excellent for cooking with.

This creeping juniper almost flows over the earth. It grows well in areas where it can droop and spread. It will hold onto the soil nicely while it pleases the eye!

These rosebushes were contained today - they were wild when we got here!

Of course, there is a lovely entrance way. Hydrangea bush on one side and an ornamental crab apple on the other. Some more creeping juniper, giant
Hostas, and there are also
Lonicera vines growing up the railings to the front door.

And lets not forget, our faithful garden companion, Beau! He happily entertained us throughout the day.

Thanks for visiting out blog!